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Disadvantages of android operating system


Disadvantages of the android operating system:

Apps run in the background:-

In the older version of Android, most apps always run in the background and come to the foreground as they wish. But in the new version of android apps cannot automatically come to the foreground. As some apps run in the background then it consumes mobile battery and your device battery vanishes quickly.

Developers have a tough time:-

Learning and developing android apps is hard because there are a variety of screen sizes and making apps adaptive to all screen sizes is challenging for the developers. Developers have to write more code and are difficult to troubleshoot the app for final delivery. It is also difficult to make complex apps and doing advanced animation is hard.

Low specification mobiles run slow:-

As android is a very large operating system that consumes a lot of storage and some default apps also come with an operating system so low specification devices run slow. If you install many apps on these devices then your mobile will become unresponsive or heat up quickly.

Virus protection:-

Android is not good at virus protection. Users have the right to download and install apps from other external websites and these apps may contain a virus and steal your data and information. It is also noticed that some apps in the google play store contain a virus.

Many ads in apps:-

Most of the android apps are free to use but they come with a lot of ads that display on the app screen or ads display when you perform any action in the app. This is irritating for users and users have to buy a license for the app to remove ads or uninstall the app.

Not friendly with old people:-

Old people have a difficult time using android devices because of advanced touch screens. They may have an eyesight problem or have not used android mobile before.

Google account needed:-

For installing apps from the google play store you need a Gmail account. You also need a google account to use other Google products. If you forget your Gmail id then your device can be locked and for unlocking, you need to get your Gmail account.

Bad quality for apps:-

The majority of apps in the app store have poor quality and some apps only want to earn money by displaying ads and they have no use for the users. Some apps are not updated for many years and this will affect users which update their operating system.

The new app idea is difficult:-

For developers, there are fewer chances that they make an app that is not already present. As all types of apps are already published in the app store so new companies and developers have a difficult time entering the android market.

Google is strict to app developers:-

If Google finds any issue in your app then it will behave very strictly and also terminate your developer account.


If you want to buy a mobile within your budget then android is the best option to choose from. There are all types of devices available. iOS too has some disadvantages and it all depends upon your budget. In my opinion android is best.


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